Friday, November 13, 2020


 Life has many chapters a

 few that I wish were rewritten. 

I have a problem 

where I see only what I want 

and not what is. 


Maybe it is the loneliness that 

whispers thru the silence.


I learned long ago,

that nothing is forever.


I wanted the dreams 

but it ends up dreams are all I have.




Sometimes we are blinded by our needs


There isn't anymore tears...


Friday, November 6, 2020


" Is the glass half empty or half full?"  The power of thought. I have always been aware of our beings and their place in the universe for we merely energy in passing. Imagine that your thoughts become actions that alter the energy and therefor changing the experience.  Our destiny is not predetermined as our choices are always dictating which road we take. It is not a matter of weakness or strength but a combination of chapters called experience. The journey becomes complicated because we are entwined with those around us. The choices of others can redirect or over power our own choices. Who dictates where we go and what we do . I once believed that destiny ruled the playground and we merely followed a plan that was placed before us. But at time went on you find that each situation that occurs can be altered simply by our choice. Therefore we truly are the writers of our own story. We choose to experience love and heartache. That is only partly true as yes our journey is empowered by choice but when you find yourself in the web of life you are not alone as author and editor. Imagine for a moment you had a play by play rule book on what decisions to make . That would only work if everyone else is playing by the same rule book and that is never the case. It is like a football game you stumble and fall but sometimes you have to get back up , grab the ball and run with it. But if you look back you see that others are chasing you, trying to be in your world. Call this a bit of a ramble as I work through my emotions and struggle to alter my own journey. I feel like i have fallen back in a kind of accepting way. Responsible for my failures . The weakness in knowing and denying. So it goes that our energy is one but our choices independent. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2020


 If you're luck 

you might find it, 

but to keep it 

you be blessed.

There is nothing 

more wonderful

than the excitement

love puts to test.

Protect the heart

no let it feel the pain, 

I wouldn't trade a moment

as you make sunshine out 

of rain. 

No More

 Running to the heavens

above those clouds up high

and still these feet are anchored

only moving in the mind.

I wished for happiness

and wanted so much more ,

but the story was written 

and the chapters are no more.